How long does it take to receive my order?

Our estimated delivery time is typically mentioned on the product page. It may vary depending on the product's availability, location, and the shipping method chosen during checkout. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking details once your order is shipped.

How will I know when my order has shipped?

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information once your order is dispatched from our warehouse. You can use the provided tracking details to monitor the progress of your delivery.

Will I be notified about the delivery of my furniture?

Yes, you will receive updates about the delivery status of your furniture. Our logistics partner will usually contact you to schedule a convenient delivery time.

What happens if I receive a partial order or if something is missing?

In the rare event of a partial order or missing item, please contact our customer support team immediately. They will investigate the issue and ensure that any missing items are promptly shipped to you.

Can I return an item if I am not satisfied?

As a policy, we do not accept returns based on personal preferences or choices. However, if you encounter any issues with your furniture, such as manufacturing defects or damages during transit, please contact our customer support team, and they will assist you accordingly.

What is your return policy?

Our return policy is designed to address cases of manufacturing defects or damages during transit. Please refer to our return policy page for detailed information on the eligibility criteria, timelines, and the required process for initiating a return.

I no longer have the original packaging. Can I still make a return?

While it is preferable to retain the original packaging for a smooth return process, please contact our customer support team to discuss alternative packaging options if you no longer have the original packaging.

How do I assemble my furniture?

Each product comes with detailed assembly instructions to guide you through the process. Most furniture items can be easily assembled using basic tools, such as screwdrivers or allen wrenches, which are typically included in the packaging.

Can I set up the furniture on my own, or do I need assistance?

Our furniture is designed for easy assembly, and you can usually set it up on your own. However, depending on the size and complexity of the item, having a second person assist you may be beneficial.

Are any tools required for assembly?

Basic tools, such as screwdrivers or allen wrenches, are usually required for assembly. The specific tools needed for each product are mentioned in the assembly instructions.

Please note: As we do not offer refunds or returns for non-damaged products, we recommend carefully reviewing the product details, dimensions, and images before making a purchase. If you have any specific questions or concerns, our customer support team is always here to assist you.

We hope these answers address your inquiries. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to help you make the most of your furniture shopping experience.

Thank you for considering Decornation for your furniture needs!

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